Thursday, February 7, 2008

100 Facts About Tami

1~ In 7th grade I camped out overnight for New Kids on the Block tickets… 5th row baby! I hear they are getting back together BTW.
2~ I worked at a daycare in HS and college.
3~ I vowed after working there to do my best NOT to put my children in one.
4~ I had a paper route from 4th –7th grade.
5~ I quit in 7th because I became embarrassed of my paper route.
6~ I was a cheerleader from 7th grade through my senior year.
7~ I’ve seen Garth Brooks and Toby Keith in concert twice.
8~ I quit listening to Garth Brooks when he divorced his wife for Trisha Yearwood (LOSER).
9~ I stayed home and sat out a hurricane (big mistake-would leave next time).
10~ I don’t like watching other people’s kids. It stresses me out.
11~ I hate “Come Buy My Crap” parties.
12~ I’m a do it yourself type of person (e.g. sink installation, painting, furniture assembly, taxes etc.)
13~ I get lightheaded around needles.
14~ I can’t stand when my kids are sick.
15~ I love when my boys reach a new milestone.
16~ Newborns are my least favorite baby stage.
17~ I love the conversations Caleb and I have on road trips.
18~ I’ve lived in 5 states.
19~ The most fun was Louisiana. We’d move back in a heartbeat.
20~ I didn’t have an email account until my freshman year in college.
21~ I also quit listening to Vince Gill when he divorced his wife for Amy Grant.
22~ I’m not a cryer.
23~Also not much of a hugger.
24~ I consider myself to be quite frugal.
25~ I think pyramid schemes are just that, SCHEMES.
26~ I love most reality shows. Incidentally, I think Caleb could win Survivor and do well on American Idol.
27~ I like to watch football and gymnastics.
28~ I took quite a few years of gymnastics but never progressed beyond a back handspring.
29~ I used to unwrap, peek at and rewrap my Christmas presents.
30~ I hate waiting for surprises.
31~ I love the fries at Red Robin.
32~ Rice krispy treats are one of my favorite desserts.
33~ Raspberry cheesecake is a close second.
34~ For the most part I don’t like chocolate. I make exceptions for choc. covered strawberries, kit kat and milky ways.
35~ I’m good at playing Boggle.
36~ Caleb and I rarely play games with each other because we both can’t stand losing.
37~ I’m legally blind.
38~ I wish I could sing well.
39~ I had a full ride scholarship in college for Accounting.
40~ I didn’t graduate because Caleb and I decided not to put our family off.
42~ We have been blessed ever since for that decision.
43~ I hate public speaking.
44~ That includes public teaching as well! (hint, hint to anyone with Church power).
45~ I love Jazzercise and wish there was a class here.
46~ I don’t like to leave my kids with very many people. I have a small list.
47~ I always wanted to be a Mickey Mousekateer as a kid.
48~ I played the piano for 2 years. However, once the fingering notes disappeared, I could no longer play.
49~ I was a 4.0 student in High School.
50~ I need to converse with adults daily.
51~ I never thought I’d be a Mom to boys.
52~ I have permission to paint my commode room pink but haven’t taken the time to do it yet.
53~ I enjoy being a homebody, most of the time.
54~ Once I had kids my adventuresome side disappeared.
55~ I gave up being the one to keep up with old friends.
56~ I like jewelry but I can’t stand spending money to buy it.
57~ I know how to smock and make a cute Bishop’s style dress but have no daughters to use this talent for.
58~ If I had a daughter I’d prefer more heirloom type clothes than trendy.
59~ She’d also have an old-fashioned name, again not trendy.
60~ I grew up watching cartoons like, The Gummy Bears, Thundercats, Gem, and He-man.
61~ I’ve always wanted perfectly straight hair.
62~ I used to be a “Little Vandal” – A junior basketball handling team for the University of Idaho. We were on ESPN as we performed during the halftime of a Trailblazers/Clippers game.
63~ I was also on a jump roping trick team and was on ESPN again. This time during the halftime of a WSU b-ball game.
64~ I was the President of my High School’s Business Professionals of America team.
65~ I’m a big online shopper. Mostly Amazon, Children’s Place and Gymboree.
66~ I love The Office.
67~ Mamba is one of my favorite candies. Not the lemon and orange ones though.
68~ I would much rather have diarrhea than throw up.
69~ I basically had a fullett (female mullet) in the 3rd grade.
70~ I had a crush on John Kuska from 2nd-6th grade.
71~ I love flannel sheets and pj’s.
72~ I sleep with socks on.
73~ I have very vivid dreams with people I know in them.
74~ I have a recurring dream that I’m in HS, my senior year but I have all my kids and I keep calling in sick for all the games cuz I know I won’t fit into my cheerleading uniform (nightmare).
75~ I have another recurring dream that we’ve bought a new house and discover an attic full of all sorts of awesome stuff that takes me days to go through (good dream).
76~ Caleb made a rule when we were first married that “shut up” was off limits. As a result I frequently resort to “shut your pie hole”.
77~ I moved to Texas when I was 7 months pregnant, had a baby (Elias) and moved back to Montana when he was 2 and a half weeks old.
78~ I’ve taught my kids the correct anatomical names for their private parts.
79~ I like to color pictures with Silas but hate it when he colors on my page and messes up my work of art.
80~ I never owned a real Cabbage Patch doll until I was 28.
81~ I love to snuggle on a couch with Isaac and watch America’s Funniest Home videos and listen to him giggle.
82~ I could NEVER love a pet like a family member.
83~ I love that Jude is chunky!
84~ I like having conversations about school subjects with Elias. It amazes me what the kid knows.
85~ I also love when he asks me a question about something he’s learning and I know the answer.
86~ I would be happy never leaving a 10 mile radius of my home.
87~ I’m NOT a scenic route type of person. I just like to GET THERE!
88~ I’m ticked that I paid a sitter so Caleb and I could go Caucus just to have Mitt drop out 2 days later.
89~ I don’t like scenery and Caleb hates going to movies and out to dinner so we have a hard time coming up with date ideas.
90~I don’t like to sew but I can (a little).
91~ I hate gardening of all kinds, plants, veggies EVERYTHING!
92~ I like mowing the lawn. Instant gratification. I even do it when I’m pregnant (sometimes).
93~ As part of my dislike for surprises I convinced all my Dr.’s to induce me early with all 4 boys.
94~ I also paid to have EARLY social scans with the last three to find out the sex. 15 weeks gestation was all we needed to see what they were!
95~ Christmas is my favorite holiday. It comes and goes way too quickly though. We generally start listening to Christmas music after the first snow (October).
96~ My favorite Christmas CD is the Riga boys choir, a random bargain bin buy that we LOVE!
97~ I wish I cared more about politics. I did caucus for the first time ever though.
98~ I get very grouchy when I’m doing housework. I really don’t mind doing it I just don’t like to talk much during.
99~ I’d pay someone $1000 bucks per child to come and potty train my kids.
100~I miss Caleb when he’s out of town A LOT, but am also proud to be able to manage on my own when I have to.


Carli said...

Great list! These lists are so fun. I know had a fab time writing mine. I especially love how they really help me get to know people better.

And even though you had to pay for a sitter, aren't you glad that you did your civic duty? In any case, I appreciate your being there. :)

KrisJ said...

Ok you made me LAUGH and made me CRY so I believe indeed that was a GREAT list!! I am always amazed by how truely smart you are. I dont think most people know that you are so well put together and smart! I havent found anything you dont know how to do or at least wouldnt try to do it first! You are a true inspiration in my life and I really appreciate all you have done to lift me up during the hard times! And your funny on top of it all!!!

Tirsa said...

A cheerleader, really? I never would have guessed that! And, I too saw GB and TK in concert back in the day (the high school days that is).

Unknown said...

I would totally pay the $1000 for potty training too! Thanks for sharing your 100 facts! I feel like I hardly ever see you and it's nice to know more about you!

Unknown said...

I think we went to the same site for our sweet backgrounds. Had to throw that Cabbage Patch doll in there huh. . . Yeah, I was a little teary eyed myself this Christmas when I realized my first and only picture with Santa was taken at the rife-old age of 23.

Elizabeth said...

Amazing list! You are such a fun friend, and I am glad you shared! I too would love to take a jazzercise class...too bad there isn't one! I guess it is my turn...don't know if I could get to 100 though! ;)

Eldrberry Grove said...

wow-you sound like a "jill of all trades" :) great learning all that stuff about you!

Erica said...

Great list! I learned a lot but also learned that we have some things in common. Loved it!!