Saturday, February 9, 2008

Following Tami's Example

1) If it wasn’t for Tami I would be white trash….more white trash than I already am.
2) In high school I wore shorts and t-shirts almost everyday of the year.
3) I enjoy seeing my kids succeed but I also enjoy the lessons of defeat.
4) I learn things quickly and then get bored just as quick. ADD?????
5) Physical labor is what I like doing for vacations.
6) I very rarely studied all through school. Tami made me stop buying textbooks.
7) I am an extreme optimist most of the time.
8) I talk too much in some settings and then regret it. (I’m working on that)
9) I still talk to my Mom and Dad several times a week and will continue to do so.
10) Tami will never know how much her support with my career has helped me to advance.
11) I love going to work everyday.
12) Talking about the future is something I enjoy doing.
13) I started driving when I was 7. It was a stick shift.
14) I got in my first car wreck when I was 8 or 9.
15) I got in my second car wreck when I was 13. (Two vehicle collision and my dad was driving the second vehicle which happened to be a few weeks old)
16) Running a chainsaw is still one of my favorite pastimes. (If you have questions, refer to #5)
17) Clearing land and burning brush gives me great satisfaction.
18) One of my main goals in life is to teach our kids how to work and how to work hard.
19) I have narrowly missed death by a falling tree several times. I wasn’t ever the one falling it. (Sorry I never told you about this Dad)
20) Anything that has an engine is a toy to me.
21) I hate and despise video games. They are a waste of time in my mind. (As I am sitting at a computer typing something that no one will read)
22) I love that when I married Tami, I had no idea what type of mom she would be but that she turned out to be an amazing mom.
23) I keep in contact with all of my brothers and sisters on a regular basis.
24) This may sound really weird, but I love public speaking once the preparation is done.
25) I consider myself as someone who is very self-aware. (I change things that I do after realizing it isn’t correct to become better at something)
26) I grew up water skiing and I still love the water.
27) My high school principal made me run for ASB VP and I didn’t want to win so I didn’t do any preparation and didn’t even have a speech.
28) The girl that was running for president with me wasn’t very happy about it.
29) I enjoy driving in winter time when it is dark and the snow is coming down really hard.
30) I secretly (used to be a secret) wish I could be a logger but realize that I couldn’t hack going up and working that hard every day of the year.
31) I never had the desire to play sports professionally but used it as a way to pay for college.
32) I lived for sports in high school.
33) I don’t really care if my kids play sports but I do want them do push themselves at whatever they do.
34) I had never been to a concert until I married Tami.
35) We rent movies and I never watch them.
36) I usually take charge but sometimes like to just sit back and watch the way others handle situations.
37) I observe other people and watch the way they interact with others.
38) I sometimes feel embarrassed for people even when they don’t realize they should be embarrassed.
39) I’ve always loved math.
40) I have a degree in Petroleum Engineering (Don’t worry, I don’t know what it is either)
41) I usually have a pretty sweet farmers tan every summer.
42) If traffic is stopped, I will drive miles and miles to get around it just to be moving.
43) I get motions sickness very easy.
44) I don’t remember ever puking in my life.
45) I think it’s okay to wear a salmon colored shirt.
46) I am going to teach my kids how to hunt snipes this summer.
47) Snakes scare me more than anything else. (Jokes with snakes are not funny and will usually result in physical harm to the snake and person)
48) Spiders don’t scare me at all.
49) I enjoy walking in the woods at night with snow on the ground and full moon.
50) I really don’t like saggy pants and have actually picked people up by their pants to help them out.
51) Our first real estate flip was a mobile home in Moscow, Idaho.
52) I buy toys, use them and then sell them for about the same price as I bought them after I get bored.
53) I’m not a worrier.
54) I’ve read just about every Louis Lamoure book out there. (You would think by now that I would know that the cowboy was going to get in a gunfight and then get the girl to end the story)
55) I am very interested in people and their most of their stories.
56) I go to bed early and get up early.
57) I’ve never had a speeding ticket.
58) I love motorcycles but will never own one again.
59) I kept a journal every single day of my mission and haven’t written consistently since.
60) Cooking is something I do for fun.
61) I love trying new food and will try just about anything once.
62) I’ve eaten almost every part of a cow and liked most of it.
63) I download piano music and lyrics for singing at home only.
64) I run almost everything I do by Tami first to see what she thinks.
65) I should probably lower my life insurance because Tami was really excited when the statement came.
66) Tami and I got married young so we grew up together and have almost all the same likes and dislikes.
67) When Tami and I get frustrated sometimes we tell each other that we should switch roles. I think if the kids ever overheard that, they would beg Tami to stay home.
68) I know that I can’t do what Tami does and I am always grateful for the time, love and effort she puts into our family.
69) When we bought our first Suburban with two kids, Tami thought it was huge. Now that we have four kids we are wondering if we can stretch it.
70) I’ve always wanted the glass partition that limos have right behind the drivers seat for road trips.
71) I don’t dream of seeing the world, I dream of moving to a small town and raising our kids by family.
72) #71 will most likely not happen for a long time.
73) I didn’t like special teams in football and usually assumed that the people that did had a screw loose.
74) In my last city on my mission in Argentina, I had to convince the people that I wasn’t native. Now I would have to convince them that I even spoke Spanish.
75) Elias was our first child and I worked with him all the time so that he would roll over, crawl and walk before he was supposed to. With Jude, I don’t really care when he reaches those milestones.
76) I played center on the basketball team at 6’1”.
77) I put on a fake tattoo before one of our state basketball games for intimidation. It worked and then I rubbed it off after warm-ups.
78) I killed Hermana Salaberry’s flowers while on my mission from peeing on them every night.
79) I take great pleasure in seeing my boys get potty trained from peeing on trees in our front yard. Our neighbors don’t understand it.
80) I missed weight lifting class in high school and my dad wrote a note saying, “Please excuse Caleb, he was at a knitting conference.” Luckily I caught it before I got there.
81) I had a better relationship with my grandpa than most people do with their dad’s.
82) My older sister and my brother just younger than me didn’t have a curfew but we would take turns locking each other out of the house so that one of us would have to sleep in the garage or our car.
83) I know my dad knew when I came home late because he would wake me up very early at 3:30 or 4:00 AM to go to work on Saturday morning. Please refer to #4.
84) We bought our first piece of land almost a year ago and now I want to buy the entire mountain behind it. I’m an addict.
85) Right now, for me to be a successful parent all of our boys would have to go on missions and get married in the temple.
86) When I was in college, I let my friend change my oil to save money. He drained the oil out of my transmission and put more in the engine. I was stranded with two girls in a very small town in Oregon. It’s not the great situation you would think it would be.
87) One of my vehicles in college had a huge hole in the floor. I had to keep the floor mat over it so that I wouldn’t get wet from splash back.
88) I went to a viewing of my high school girlfriend’s grandma and the only thing I remember was that her watch was still ticking and I could hear it.
89) I consider myself to be good with financial decisions but for some reason, I always get excited about a tax refund. I’m not sure why I get excited about the government saying they are going to give me back some of my money after earning interest on it all year.
90) My little brother crashed into a dock and another boat while he was pulling me water skiing.
91) I will eat anything with chocolate and nothing with coconut.
92) My favorite dish to make is called slop. It’s potatoes, grease, bacon, grease, sausage, grease, onions, grease and peppers.
93) I’ve never had a cavity and would be really mad if I ever did.
94) I hated track but I had to take it because all the football coaches were also track coaches. I didn’t take it my senior year.
95) I usually don’t remember my dreams. The only reason I phrased it that way is because everyone always tells me that everyone has dreams.
96) I’ve woken up in the middle of night when Tami walked in the room and I asked her why she was up. When she said she heard and noise and went to check it out, I asked her why she didn’t wake me up. She said she tried!!!
97) I love that my boys all have different personalities and that I can love all of them the same. I never thought that was possible.
98) I discovered poison ivy when we lived in Louisiana after carrying it by the arm load to our front yard after a hurricane.
99) We have loved every where we live.
100) I love to kill yellow jackets and hornets and destroy their nests. I usually don’t get stung very often but it is still a pretty adrenaline rush.


alison said...

as for #100 there--i've got a neighbor that i'm sure would love for you to come and massacre their horde of stingy thingys.

KrisJ said...

O my goodness along with your wife whom obviously you adore which is very sweet!!! you are both very smart people and we feel very lucky that you consider us friends (or maybe your taking pitty on us and consider us service!)

Eldrberry Grove said...

Love your 100 facts Caleb--- especially #92, my dad made that all the time when I was growing up except he called it suckotash :)


Caleb and Tami,

Well done. I am going to have to really think hard to see if I can even come up with 50 things. Yes, I can attest that he wore shorts to school every day. Anything done with a chainsaw IS enjoyable. Loggers rule.

Rich said...

#58 - I have a feeling this is an inside joke. Why am I not laughing! Oh and I have one in the garage that has been for sale for the last 4 years!

#70 Dude! Duct tape???!!!!

I need to clear the scrub behind my house --- when can you come? I can get LeBlanc to make some gumbo.

Erica said...

Loved it! So my grandfather owned almost every Louis Lamoure book and was just recently looking for a sucker to take them all. He ended up donating them to the nursing home he lives in. I totally have to agree with #38!!

Tirsa said...

Loved reading that! I can't believe all of your accidents before you were even a legal driver! And your parents still let you get a license? I am betting you have improved a lot since you were 7 though, right?