Saturday, September 5, 2009


We cleaned out the garage this morning and look what began running across the floor!  I just happened to have the camera in my hand and set my car key down to give it perspective.  They say daddy long legs are very poisonous but don't have big enough mouths to bite.  I'm guessing this sucker could have clamped on!
Oh Texas bugs, how I hate you!


Elizabeth said...

That is huge! EEEW!! I bet Isaac loved to see it though..:)

KrisJ said...

UMMM YUCK AND EWWW!! Did you call the bug guys lol!

Jill said...

Okay Tammi, do you not remember living in Louisiana? We have about 50 of those running around in our garage and we don't bat an eye. It's the snakes, rats, armadillos, skinks, lizards, roaches and who knows what else we have to worry about! Don't ya miss it :)

kmk said...

Dude, that would not be fun to find. I am a huge arachnophobe.