Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Spiders, Trees and Pizza

Big Momma's Boyfriend!

This is what was in my entryway (outdoors) this morning. We failed to kill the Big female but I was determined not to let this male go! Caleb's in ID so from way up north he instructed me to spray it with the hose and then smash it. In theory that's a great plan. Here's how it all played out. First I took a picture. It was on the wall so there was no way to lay anything next to it for perspective. I'd say leg span wise it was 3 inches across. I put on my hiking boots (nothing open toed) and got the hose out with the nozzle set for a hard spray. I sprayed him down and he rolled a few feet, opened up and took off running! FAST! This is where the screaming begins. I'm chasing the dang thing around as he rolls and then opens and runs around like a hundred dash sprinter.  I couldn't convince Jude to stay inside so I had him stand 15 ft. away thinking that would be a safe distance.  At one point the hidious thing came pretty close to him.  We repeated this sequence of events a few times... spray, roll, open up (scream) and run.  I finally got him cornered and sprayed him continuously for about a minute.  When I finally let off the spray he stumbled out a little slower pace than he'd previously been going so I swooped in and stomped him... POP! yes I said POP! That's the sound and feel it made.  I kept spraying and stomping and screaming at him for the next few minutes.  When I realized it was over for sure I had to spray the carcass off into the woods.  It was a huge, horrible, gross thing.  I really hope the neighbors weren't out!

There's something about boys/men and clearing land.  Caleb got the boys all excited about cutting down some trees out back.  Yes, that's Elias with an axe.  Caleb actually tried to talk to me about letting Elias run a small chainsaw.  That converstion didn't. Last too long.

Isaac using a hand saw.

The boys working together to try and fall a tree.

It got snagged up top so Caleb had to step in.

Another fun Aunt Maggie adventure.  Our church starts late on Sundays so Maggie helped Isaac make pizza from scratch. 

Poor kid can't have a dog so he had to make a pizza shaped like one.

Jude observing.

That's about all our TX adventures for now!


Johnna Jayne said...

YIKES! I'm impressed you got him. I wonder what Big Momma is up too. . . Maybe she'll die. . . After she leaves her evil spawn behind.

KrisJ said...

OH MY CRAP!!! Im not ok with the huge spiders your getting EWWW!! Good job killing the sucker!
K and reading this was weird.. its still weird realizing you arent across the street WAAA

Unknown said...

Your post went from bad to good. Hate spiders, but love pizza! I will kill a spider any way I can...

The Toy Guru said...

CRAZYY!! and NASTY!! Ben says it's a Brown Recluse Spider....very dangerous. I loved the Play by Play...felt like I was watching the olympics...whose out in front Tami or the Spider...I would have loved a hidden camera shot of all the action!!