Friday, June 26, 2009

MJ Part II

To clear the air, I haven't LOVED MJ for quite some time. Yes, I bought BAD on RECORD (yes that was back when I only had a record player). It was the first album I ever bought with my hard earned paper route money. The above photo was a poster on my bedroom wall that I drooled over. That was the Michael that I loved. Seriously, I can probably sing every one of his songs, chorus and VERSES! I know he's been really weird, messed up and freakish these last 10 yrs. or so but I do have to say that I Tami Zimmerman, am a Micheal Jackson Junky. As with all Iconic deaths, I'm going to suspect that MJ's just in hiding and not really pushing daisies.


Johnna Jayne said...

I knew I should have called last night. . . Hope you are hanging in there. Did you keep your record? That might be worth something now huh :) Ebay it while it's hot.

vicki said...

The first thing I thought of when I heard he had died was that he had orchestrated the whole thing. I used to love him when I was a teenager but I was completely over him by the early nineties when he got really freaky.

KrisJ said...

I think I spotted him in your backyard last night! I hope everyone will be able to know forget the freakishness and just remember him for what he was good at. I wasnt a fan but Im glad you were its good entertainment!!

Haley L said...

So funny! Still better than some of these artists our kids idolize, right? I used a VCR to tape the Thriller video off MTV and tried like crazy to memorize that entire dance. Ha!

riches11c said...

I found a link for a stalkers support group..and since you cant stalk him anymore I thought you might need some help.

Brigit said...

Tami - I loved the "old" MJ too.

Tirsa said...

I had that SAME poster on MY wall growing up. I was so in love with him back then. And I totally would have gone to London with you to see him in concert. He did become a freak but it doesn't change the fact that he was a brilliant musician and dancer and a true musical icon.

Maggie said...

Tami, Jon was saying the same thing. He thinks Michael Jackson faked his death to get away from his debt and now he is vacationing on some remote island. Another Elvis? Quite possible.