Saturday, January 31, 2009

Stung in the Winter

I was sitting at the computer a few nights ago when Silas came out of his bedroom and told me that some cord had stung him. At first I thought it might be static electricity and didn't think too much about it. I asked him how it stung him and he told me it happened right while he was putting it in the socket. After a few questions he told me that he had his fingers on the metal part while he was putting it into the wall. I wanted to make fun of him a little bit but Tami was sitting right by me and it was only a few weeks earlier that I got shocked with 220 while trying to fix the dishwasher. I was pretty amazed at the extra "sting" that 220 had compared to 110. If she wouldn't have seen me jump backward and cut my hand on dishwasher parts as I was fleeing from whatever bit me, I might have had a better chance of not being made fun of by Tami.

1 comment:

Jolayne said...

See now that's just one thing kids (big and small) have to experience before they'll really believe you when you say, "Don't stick stuff in there!"