Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Stalker vs. Lurker

There's a difference right? I would consider myself to be slightly addicted to blogging and somewhat of a lurker (a person who reads blogs but doesn't COMMENT). At what point do you become a stalker?


alison said...

good question.

Kris said...

So who's the shirt model?? I'm a commenter but don't really consider myself a stalker...

KrisJ said...

Im a lurker and some times stocker! There are some I go to for fun just for myself because what they write is sooo rediculous LOL you get that I think! Then I have all my friends that I check everyday to see whats going on it their lives and I love visiting my adoption friends and seeing their kids beautiful faces! SO I guess I might be a blog stocker!?!

Erica said...

I just wish that my comments were as profound as others. So I find myself reading but not always commenting.

Johnna Jayne said...

citing from the Urban Dictionary:

1. blog-stalk
13 up, 1 down

v. to secretly read someone's blog with the express purpose of learning more about them without their knowledge; to stalk via blog

I'm going to blog-stalk my friend's new boyfriend and find out what he's really like.

I'm blog-stalking that cute girl in poli sci.

My blog-stalker finally posted a comment; she should've known I was tracking her through my web stats.

The Toy Guru said...

I'm a little on the lurky side. But that's ok I'm fessing up to it. Oh yea, and add me to your peeps. I will add you to mine. Our boys and their crazyness have so much in common!