Wednesday, March 19, 2008

The Dragon by Isaac Zimmerman age 7

Fire Breathing Dragon (or Isaac - not sure)

One day I was walking on a path. Then I felt something hot. I folloid it intell I came to a volcano! I ran up the volcano. But when I got there I saw a fire breathing dragon! I got my sword out but he took it and threw it in the lava! I was going to get the sword but he was to fast. So I jumped on him and try to kill him. Then he flew as fast as he could and gave me the ride of my life backe to my castle. I jumped off on my castle and got another sword and killed it. And they lived happely ever after.

Yes I know there are spelling errors, I typed it just as he wrote it. This was his best story yet. The Zimmie boys don't seem to have big imaginations so this is a step in the right direction. Now that I've documented it I can throw the original away! I love to get rid of things!!


Carli said...

What a fab way to document a child's art/story. They can be famous and you get rid of the paper that becomes clutter (at least at my house it does). You rock -- and so does Isaac for that great story!

Haley L said...

The times I have helped in literacy class with Kaiya and Isaac, I have to say I'm not surprised. He and some of the boys were having a good 'ol time coming up with good dragon stories. Oh, and your youngest has no problem with his imagination--he is full of stories on Sundays! ;)

The Toy Guru said...

I love the story. However, Isaac killed the dragon friend that gave him the ride "of his life" :(
POOR Dragon. Boy stories are always so adventurous and always have swords don't they? Oh yea, can you come to my house and throw some stuff away???

Ashley Smith said...

that was a cool story! i like the part where they live happily ever after, after killing the dragon!


Maggie said...

Do we get to see any Easter pictures? I am kind of a demanding aunt.

Brad and Marissa said...

Ha ha ha. Thats great. Killing dragons is a favorite past time of mine too. Love the story. I also liked the end of the post where you said you were going to throw it away. I am the same way. I have to do it when Marissa is away or can't see though. :-)