Monday, January 14, 2008


One summer when Caleb was working as an Intern for Smith Int. a moving company was hired to move some office furniture. There were 3-4 men doing the work. The men all referred to the great big chubby guy as "Big'n" (pronounced biggin). Jude is officially our family's Big'n. Elias, Isaac and Silas always were in the 10-15th percentile for height and weight and 90th percentile for head circumference. Jude is in the 75th % for weight and head circumference and 90th% for height!!! We are so excited to finally have a baby with some meat on his bones.


Elizabeth said...

I think Jude is a cute Big'n! Love his precious smile!

alison said...

I agree with Liz, Jude is a sweetie pie. Kinda flirty too!

KrisJ said...

OK I love your bign!!! I need some serious cuddle time with that boy! He really is already a charmer.

Jolayne said...

I had three of those kind, except they were always off the charts with height and weight. Gave me some great biceps though.

It was a treat to pick up other's babies that weighed next to nothing.

Erica said...

My kids were monsters too. For some reason it all thins out when they start moving? ;-)

erinlo said...

I am DYING with laughter over your last several posts! The dog...poor dog. I'm so sorry. I'm not sure why I'm laughing at that. The "refs". I totally picture them to be like Napoleon Dynamite- only smarter. Well, maybe not that much smarter. The picture of the "bum with poop"- classic.

And 75% after 15% is HUGE!!!! I'm sure that Jude is jsut as beautiful as your other children. (BTW- I love the name Jude. We may have to steal it someday. I didn't think you would mind.)