Thursday, April 30, 2009

Physics Phrom a Phour yr. Old

Yesterday during my daily Taxi duties Silas started a very educational conversation with me...

Silas~"Mom, I can have really high pressure when I pee. All I have to do is push with my belly and I can make it really high. I can also slow it down too."
Me~"When your pressure is really high does everything still land in the water?"

Whether it really does or not is debatable. I was impressed with his proper use of the word "pressure" in his lesson.

Later that night he had been playing out front so I went to check on him. He was climbing all over Caleb's Jeep just waiting around for Isaac to play with him. I noticed a wet spot on the garage floor. I asked him where the water came from. He looked at me really puzzled and said "What water?" I pointed at the puddle and he got a knowing, embarrassed look. I said, "that's not water, is it?" "Nope,it's pee". He then informed me that he just couldn't hold it long enough to make it in the house. I got the hose out so I could spray the mess away and he got really excited and offered to wash it up for me. Normally I would make him attempt to clean up after himself but I KNOW if I'd let him use the hose he'd be peeing everywhere in hopes that he could play in the water. Every day is an adventure with that boy!
PS~ Is it pretty sad that I think I've had the opportunity to post that very same picture with regards to Silas before?


Unknown said...

Oh my! Boys are definetly fun! I have been in those same shoes when it comes to "peeing" in places that they shouldn't. I still remember my oldest peeing off the balcony at my brother's apartment. :) Are all boys facinated with how things work?

Johnna Jayne said...

Ha! I thought I recognized that picture.

vicki said...

He is definitely interested in his pee! But wait...he's a MALE!

Elizabeth said...

That is hilarious! Silas is quite a ham isn't he? Love the picture..I thought we had seen it once before!