Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Super Cool

Me: "Oh crud Silas, I have to take you to school in a few minutes and I'm still in my pajamas."

Silas: "Mom, that's Super Cool, don't be embarrassed."

Then he proceeded to tell me that he would be embarrassed if he went to school in his pj's but for some reason it would have been OK for me to be seen in public with mine?!? It must be my sweet care bear pj's that are public worthy!


vicki said...

I would remember this day that he thought ANYTHING about you was supercool....ask him again when he's 15!

Erica said...

Wait- you were concered about taking your son to school in pjs? I thought you've been seen at King Soopers in them. Or were you concerned for your son? Too funny!!

Elizabeth said...

I too am guilty, but unfortunately mine weren't as super cool as yours!