Friday, December 11, 2009

Sweet 'n Sour...

...describes Silas perfectly.  He can be the sweetest little boy one minute and crazy, naughty or downright evil the next.  Perfect example: Last night we went to Elias' choir concert.  Just before the choir began thier first number Silas leans over and whispers to me, "Mom, if they suck we can throw trash and things at them".  Fast forward 2 hours to bedtime where I'm tucking him in and he says his prayer, "Gladful that we can have Christmas and celebrate Jesus' birth".  Love that little bugger!


alison said...

RofLoL! I was just NOT expecting THAT--too funny! You might want to check his pockets next time to make sure he didn't come prepared. :)

Haley L said...

I miss that kid. He had at least one good line every Sunday when we were his teachers. We should have started a Silas One Liner notebook.

Anna Winn and Family said...

Interesting that he turned to YOU and said that and not Caleb Hahaha