Monday, March 16, 2009


HA! Fooled you! Bet you thought the title of this post was an announcement! For the record IT'S NOT! Sat. night we went to NCAR (National Center for Atmospheric Research) for an evening of Science and learning through Elias' school. As you learned in my last post Jude's been having bum issues so we've been very observant of any odors coming from his body. During one of the presentations Caleb gave Jude the ol' smell test and informed me he was in need of a diaper change. I took him into the restroom and pulled out enough paper towels to build a make shift changing table. I layed him down and opened the diaper only to find it clean...false alarm! I decided it would be a good opportunity to freshen up his bum anyway and apply more cream. As I'm searching through the diaper bag to locate the cream he decided to turn his false alarm into a full alarm. He began to bare bum poop on the paper towel covered floor. OK, I think, I'll just scoop away the poo with the towels and flush it... AAAAAARRRRGGGHHHHHH he starts to pee and it's going EVERYWHERE all over me, the floor, the walls his clothes and yes, his FACE! I quickly scoop away the poop and grab a wipe but not in enough time to catch him lapping some liquid off his face. I wipe his face quickly and stand him up to assess the situation and he pees again! His shirt was unsnapped and long enough to protect me from the spray this time. Holy crap! I strip the boy down, mini-bathe him in the sink, re-diaper him and LUCKILY I had a blanket in his diaper bag to drape around him in order to sneak him out. Seriously! This kid is 18 mos. old. We're not dealing with a newborn here. I haven't carried spare clothes since the boy was 12 mos. old. Caleb left the presentation to see what was up so I was able to get the keys from him and tell him to get the boys and meet me in the car when it was over! I can firmly say I don't miss the newborn days!


Johnna Jayne said...

ha ha ha!!! I hope you were at least spared from people walking in on that craziness.

Jolayne said...

Were you saying bad words?

KrisJ said...

LMAO over that!

JoHanna said...

oh man I hate those moments at home let alone in a public restroom.

Haley L said...

I wish I would have realized then what was happening to you in the bathroom so I could have helped! He's just a smart kid--might as well release it all into the open vs. letting it sit and burn his bum!

Tirsa said...

OH, MAN! That sounds awful!

Unknown said...

Sorry to hear about that! You must have been going out of your mind! Glad it is over and everyone is fresh and clean!

Erica said...

Yucky! I guess you are really glad that you decided to make a changing pad with paper towels!!

Elizabeth said...

Oh so so sorry for you! But that was so hilarious!

Anna Winn and Family said...

I couldn't help but laugh. That is hilarous. I can't believe he's so old and you still have to deal with that!!! BTW - have you tried browned flour? Nothing worked for Zoe's bum because she had major major problems and then I did it the old fashioned way and it's the BEST. We use it for Emmett too and he's never had a rash.

The Toy Guru said...

UGHHHH!! Only little boys can do all those tricks at once!! And always at a public place!! Too bad there wasn't a camera would have totally won the $100,000 prize on America's funniest Videos!

Chris Kline said...

We only laugh because we've been through it too (ok, so I have girls, but it's not too different). Oh, the ammo you'll have to use against them in high school...

Eldrberry Grove said...

LOL!!! Stuff like that always happens at the most inopportune moments don't they?? Good story to share though! :)

LaDawn Lingard said...

Holy Crap.........