Monday, October 20, 2008


This last week has been a tough one for Silas and the toilet. He's had a few accidents which is really unusual for him. He had a perfect day today as far as the toilet goes so tonight I let him have a bubble bath (as opposed to the cold showers he got yesterday to "clean" him up and teach him a little lesson). While he was bubbling it up I decided to do a super deep clean on his bathroom. I scoured the toilet, walls, baseboards, garbage can, plunger, basically everything within pee shot. Tonight, after he'd been sleeping for two hours I heard him crying so I came to check on him. I saw his bathroom light on and was worried he might be in there with the stomach flu. I walked in to find that he had just finished peeing with the LID DOWN!!! That's right, pee on all surfaces of the toilet, walls, garbage can and floor! Are you kidding me??? So, he pulled up his pants and sleep walked back to bed while I began the whole scouring process over AGAIN! At least he tried to do the right thing.


alison said...

Sorry---I'm laughing so hard right now. trying not to wake up the kids. i'm right there with ya though--hope tomorrow is a better day. :)

Brigit said...

I am so sorry! I hope things get better tomorrow.

Johnna Jayne said...

Oh MAN!!! I don't know if you are laughing about it yet but that is kinda hilarious! I guess that's what you get for cleaning.

KrisJ said...

OMGOSH!! Better than in a bed?? Good for you for cleaning up twice though now your good for a couple of weeks Id say! Love the photo by the way TOO funny!

Unknown said...

I totally understand! We caught Dillon peeing in our trash can a little while back... It was gross! I guess I am glad there was a liner in it.... Yuck! Don't those things always happen after you just get done cleaning them? It's like mopping the floor and there is always a big spill afterwards....

vicki said...

That is so hilarious but I'm sure it wasn't at the time. I HATE to clean bathrooms (actually, I hate to clean in general!).

Eldrberry Grove said...

The closed toilet is better than carpet, right? :) Murphy's law... gotta love it!

LaDawn Lingard said...

It's like we ask for these things to happen to us just by trying to clean up.