Friday, December 7, 2007

So forth, so on, so, what not

I know every region has their filler words that they like to use when a person doesn't have anything else to say. I finally realized that the words here are so forth, so on, so and what not. I was in a presentation a couple of weeks ago and I heard one of those filler words or statements in every sentence. I was looking at the customer wondering if he was thinking "if they say that one more time......". We tend to use them when we get nervous or what not. It seems like we also use them when we really don't know what we are talking about and so forth. So.....I decided to start watching what I say because they can really sneak up on you when you least expect it. So I am going to make changes starting today and I'm going to say what I mean and so on.



The one I notice the most still has to be "like." There are like, people at work who like, say it in EVERY SINGLE SENTENCE that like, comes out of their mouth and like, sometimes I like, catch myself like, saying it and I like, immediately scold my brain for thinking that way. Drives me nuts.

Jolayne said...

I think we all do it, and if isn't something we say, it is something we do with our face, gum (or bubble dum as my daughter called it tonight), fingers, body, etc.