Monday, October 25, 2010

Isaac is 10

Isaac is 10 now which means that the Zimmerman birthday season is finally over until July. Hooray!

We took Isaac and a couple of his friends to Main Event for some Laser Tag and bowling.

The boys kept thinking we should have the bumpers put down but I'm pretty sure they would have had 90% gutter balls without them.

Being the sweet brother that he is, Silas made this Birthday card for Isaac.  Isn't it wonderful that he's learning to spell? (Translation: Suck Isaac, Isaac NO, Isaac Suck).
Isaac managed to have his birthday festivities last for days. Friday, cupcakes to school and party with friends. Saturday convinced us to let him open gifts from us a day early. Sunday, actual birthday, special meals and cake. Monday morning...singing and blowing out candles~somehow we never did that on the other days. Oops, more my fault than his. For some reason blogger isn't letting me upload the pix of him blowing out his candles this morning. Must be some sort of punishment for my forgetfulness! Oh well. Happy Birthday buddy!


Elizabeth said...

Happy Birthday to you Isaac!! Looks like you had a great party..parties..:) That's my kind of make it last long! Matthew sure loved talking with you last night! He was in heaven!!!

Unknown said...

Happy birthday Isaac! I also stink at bowling, but it is sure alot of fun! Can't believe you are 10!

KrisJ said...

K seriously how did he turn 10! YUCKY!!!

Haley L said...

That card from Silas is CLASSIC!! I hope you hang onto that one. So freakin' funny!!! Glad he had a good birthday and not a sucky one. :)

alison said...

Happy Birthday Isaac--way to go on getting your birthday celebration stretched out over multiple days!