Sunday, September 26, 2010

Weekend of Sports

Pre race jitters
 Elias had his 3rd Cross Country meet on Friday.  We've decided that CC is so much nicer to watch than football.  The races last less than 20 minutes and when your child is done racing you can take him home.  Caleb noticed that in general the parents of runners are much thinner than the parents of football players.  Guess we don't fit that requirement but Elias is still thin.  His time at the second meet was better than this one so we won't talk about that (other than to say that his coach had him run 6.5 miles the day before...ummm that's not how you prepare the day before a 2 mile race...hello).

 This was at the beginning of the race when he still had steam.

 Almost done... now he looks winded.

Silas had his first soccer game on Saturday. His team only had one 20 minute practice the Wednesday before so they were not very prepared.  The ages for his team are 3 to 5 so he's the oldest on the team.  Sadly, this is his first time ever in an organized sport. I know GASP!  Last year was a rough year for me which put most extracurricular activities on hold.  Well it didn't matter that it was his first season cuz he rocked it.  The kids all get equal time on the field so when he was out the other team scored like crazy on us.  When he was in he scored like crazy on them.  There are a lot of cry babies on his team which drove him crazy.  Parents were literally shoving crying little kids out to the field so they could stand in one spot and not move.  When Silas came out and was watching the other kids have their turn he said to me. "Why are my teammates just standing there? They're not even trying to get the ball." Even a 5 year old noticed.
 Pregame picture.
Silas throwing the ball in from the sidelines.

Sweaty boy at halftime. It was 90 degrees at 10am.

Pep the little girl in pink shorts.
Coach's wife spraying the kids down to cool off.


duane w said...

Great entry. The kids are getting so tall.

KrisJ said...

First of all.. thats the coaches WIFE?? Hmm and yes I am rude! AND YAAAA Zimmers!!! Of course he rocks he is a Zimmerman!

Ashley Smith said...

Way to go Silas and Elias! Cross Country isn't for sissies & of course we're big soccer fans here at the Smith house. Usually at my 3-5 year old's league games, both of the entire teams run up and down the field together in this claustrophobic ball kicking each other in the chins. For the most part it's hilarious.