This is the first time that I have ever blogged. I set it up in Tami's name just
in case it doesn't work out. We named it raisin' 5 boys because we have three boys now, one on the way and me. Tami and I decided we would allow a little bit of pink into our home through our blog.
Today is a great day. Our boys have been begging us for a dog. We tried everything we could to change their minds. In the end, we had to buy them off. We aren't above doing things like that as long as it gets the results we want. The two older boys, Elias and Isaac now have new
rip sticks and we have commitments from them that we don't have to get a dog.
Silas is the youngest and is a little bit small for a
rip stick. He sold out for
chap stick instead. He may eventually realize that he sold cheap. It was really the same number but the decimal was in a different place.
I think we have finally decided on a name for the next little Zimmerman boy. We ran a lot of them by the boys to see what they thought and they helped us out a lot. We presented one name to Isaac and his response was, "For a boy???" We threw that one out. Our choices have really been narrowed down since having elementary school aged boys. They can think of everything. Silas just wanted to call him brother baby. We finally
decided on Jude Caleb. I am a little bit
possessive of my name but Tami finally convinced me to share. (This is why we call it "raisin' 5 boys)